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Opinions On Suboxone Maintenance

Is suboxone helping or hurting? Here is a take on it.

Suboxone is a drug that is used to treat symptoms of withdrawal from opioid addiction. Suboxone has a blocking affect to discourage users from using opioids as well. When used in a controlled environment prescribed by a physician for a short period of time any addict can achieve success in recovery.

There are some issues regarding suboxone maintenance that need to be addressed. There are physicians that do not have your best interest in mind and will prescribe this medication for long periods of time, which contributes to the abuse of suboxone. Most people will find themselves replacing opioids with suboxone believing it’s a solution to their drug abuse. When suboxone is removed from the body the withdrawal could be worse than that of opioids and last for a longer period of time.

Some addicts do have success with suboxone maintenance, but it is very rare that they continue on the path of sobriety. For some, suboxone is the answer to their problems and will lead a successful life. Most addicts need to abstain from all mind or mood-altering substances to continually move forward in recovery.

There are many opinions surrounding suboxone that are potentially harmful to addicts who believe it is a solution. Suboxone may not be your solution, but that does not mean we shun others who do find success in it. Pushing an addict away from seeking recovery can kill them or create an environment that is unsafe. As an addict in recovery I feel my purpose is to encourage others to remain in recovery and not point out their short comings. Just because someone believes in something you don’t, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Suboxone has saved many lives and will continue to help addicts detox and/or abstain from opioids.




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